Monday blues

So, this morning, I slept in, because I thought it was Sunday.

One of the most disappointing things is to think it’s the weekend when it’s in fact Monday. 

So, my mum basically came into my room at 10 to 8 wondering where I was, and I was completely passed out. I woke up in complete confusion.

But the day got better.

I got my exam results back, and I passed both my re and English.

And I also found out many parents are complaining about the maths exam. I mean, lots of people failed, and got quite lower marks. Like my grades in math have dropped from year the end of year eight to the end of year nine. 

Like last year and last sesemster, I was getting 60-80 even 90 on maths and to now which is a 46 is shit. 

And then of course the day went back to shit.

They announced where our trip for the end of the year was. 

Last year, they took years 7-9 out to fun fields. 

This year, they’re taking us to the local aquatic centre. Not for the whole day though, we have an assembly  first. And we’re walking there too.

I probably won’t go, and I’m thinking maybe my friends and I might go see mocking jay, but the only problem with that is its annoying because of the amount of us. 

Like, if you include everyone (the guys, the other group, probably the stray ones too) it’s easily over 20.

I’m just hoping I don’t have to go.

For many reasons. Like I hate swimming, especially when there’s a shit ton of people, and Mother Nature is a bitch so I definitely can’t swim.

And each year (it’s the third year in a row where it’s a water one) my mum says “it’ll be fun!” “Don’t worry there’ll be other people not swimming!” It usually results in me by myself.

Which is defiantly s big factor I don’t want to go.

Oh my god this post went off track.

Oh well, enjoy the shitpost.


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